Saturday 4 September 2021

Abbotsbury to Portland

Date: 4th September 2021
Distance:  14.2 miles
Time: 05:06:15
Ascent: 906 feet
Total SWCP so far: 603.46 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

And.... we're back. Again. It's September too, so expectations regarding weather were not that high. But guess what? We had great weather the whole of this four day trip which started where we left off the last time, at Abbotsbury and took us a respectable but mostly flat 14 miles to the tied island of Portland. I think we all enjoyed the day, with the possible exception of the last mile which involved slogging along a noisy road that connects Portland to the main land and back to the car park we'd left Derek's car in. We didn't walk around Portland itself. That was tomorrow's plan.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

September weather looking good for the next few days so a nice dry walk, Well actually we have been so lucky with the weather for most of the SWCP.

The start out of Abbotsbury was good scenic, However as we got into Portland  the fumes from the shipping was not good making my eyes run! Then the trudge across the bridge to our finish point was a little tedious knowing we have to do it again in the other direction!

Martin and Marina's Photographs

A multi-storey car park for boats!


Derek's Photographs

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