Sunday 5 September 2021

Portland to Weymouth via.... Portland!

Date: 5th September 2021
Distance:  14.79 miles
Time: 05:23:00
Ascent: 1204 feet
Total SWCP so far: 618.25 miles



Martin and Marina's Bit

The majority of today's walk of almost 15 miles was spent walking over and then around the island of Portland. Martin, Derek and Lesley have all been there before to do some rock climbing.... back in the day... so there were some memories waiting to be revisited en route.

My personal opinion of Portland is that aside from the rock climbing, it's a pretty dismal place. Others were taken by the ramshackle sheds or beach huts or whatever they're meant to be, but I can't say I'm a fan. There's some wildlife there (we saw an unidentified bird of prey terrorising the seagulls) and that's perhaps a redeeming feature and of course the sea is always in sight. But apart from that. No thanks. Pretty low on the list of SWCP favourites.

Having circumnavigated Portland we had to cross the spit of land connecting the island to the mainland once again, this time walking on the other side of the road which was by the water and less noisy. 

The final stage into Weymouth was easy and included a rowing boat ferry crossing, which we always enjoy. Weymouth itself was... busy and Yet Another British Seaside Town. 


Derek and Lesley's Bit

Portland is a grey dull island, But having said that It also has its beauty The contrast or what we have been walking it has its prison with High fences graffiti the infamous Portland stone which was used to build the palace of Westminster, the tower of London the first London bridge, Exeter cathedral & Christchurch priory.

As we walked passed the climbing pitches memories came back about the many days spent looking at the pitches, working out the moves, & actually attempting to climb them Lesley & Martin & myself used to climb.

The large rather luxurious beach accommodation Ok beach huts but large enough to stay in took Lesley’s fancy! Maybe our retirement home!! Past the light house, rock stacks & café with coach loads of tourists milling about.

We were now round Portland heading for the bridge but today we walker on the other side , Much better further away from the traffic and a  lot less fumier.

The last leg of todays mission to Weymouth involved a rowing boat ferry across the river, Weymouth was busy & we did not feel comfortable  with so many people around & covid -19 still very much around.

Finally we made it to our end point of the day.

Martin and Marina's Photographs

Those cliffs are the ones Martin climbed the last time he was in Portland


Derek's Photographs

coming soon

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