Monday 6 September 2021

Weymouth to Lulworth Cove

Date: 6th September 2021
Distance:  11.01 miles
Time: 04:15:23
Ascent: 1965 feet
Total SWCP so far: 629.26 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

Today was hot. Very hot. And sweaty. But... the scenery, especially towards the end was.... ace. It got very steep and hilly towards the end, which added to the challenge of the day. We passed Durdle Door/Dor near the end too, which was cool except for the hordes of tourists it attracts which was unpleasant to be near but that's the way it goes sometimes.
Overall, another good section.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Well its going to be a hot one according to the forecast, & it was but we just kept going, with some lovely views fields of cows & past the Famous Durdle Door which is a visitor hot spot, it was unpleasantly busy. But another section completed.

Martin and Marina's Photographs


Derek's Photographs

coming soon

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