Saturday 31 July 2021

Walking the SWCP with Dystonia

Doing it for Dystonia (and also for ourselves!)

Lesley and her SWCP experience

So, finally the one with Dystonia has something to say. I would like to say that having Dystonia has made this path much more difficult. And to be honest at times it has. The spasms, pain, the problems with balance, fatigue and some days just feeling my legs would not work. However the SWCP will challenge the fittest and the most able of people. Walking the SWCP is more about a state of mind, than ability. I believe Ranulph Fiennes said ' take one plod at a time' which has been my mantra. So, thank you Ranulph you have kept me going! 

Walking the SWCP is the equivalent of 4 ascents and descents of Mount Everest. So, it is a huge achievement for anyone that completes this path. As we approach the final stages of our journey, you might wonder why I haven't spoken out before. This journey is not just about me, its about my husband and my two friends and the beautiful SWCP. They haven't dumped me on the way but equally I would like to complain that they flatly refused to carry me on a sedan chair. Don't understand why.

Lesley, 31st July 2021

"Oi! Where's my sedan chair?!" - Lesley. Many times.

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