Friday 9 July 2021

Broadsands Beach to Maidencombe

Date: 9th July 2021
Distance:  14.58 miles
Time: 5:48:32
Ascent: 2402 feet

Total SWCP so far: 525.12 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

And.... we're back!

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Team Awesome (as Derek has it), AKA The Extra Mile Club had done no SWCP walking since 29th August 2019, nearly two whole years ago! So it was with great excitement that we organised our first SWCP trip in a long, long time and on this the first day, resumed our journey around this most wonderful of coastal trails.

Special mention must go to Marina here. Only a few days previously, she had walked across England, following Hadrian's Wall from the coast near Carlisle in the west, all the way to Newcastle in the east. She'd only been back a few days before she was on the SWCP striding forth! And for this and a history of being an unstoppable force of nature, Marina has been awarded the Stupendous Stamina Badge.

It has to be said that over the course of this four day trip, the weather was somewhat changeable. A classic British Summer in fact. We got wet. And we got sunburned. Obviously. But this first day, we stayed dry and enjoyed a warm but largely overcast 14.5 mile walk to Maidencombe. We passed through the seaside towns of Paignton and Torquay and witnessed the rebirth of the British holiday. Travel abroad is still restricted and so most people are opting to holiday in Britain. Not surprisingly, the coast is a big draw. We didn't let the relatively crowded towns diminish our enjoyment though and delighted in the rest of the walk, along cliff tops and through woodland. It was so good to be back on the SWCP!

Derek and Lesley's Bit

So as Martin has said, we are back! 

I think he has said it all.

Maidencombe beach to Starcross.

This was a special section for me as I spent my childhood holidays at Dawlish, Teingmouth and Shaldon.

The walk started with very wet rain & some sea mist but it soon cleared and the sun shone which was good and I was able to recite stories of my childhood. I think I was annoying although they said how much they enjoyed them!

Martin and Marina's Photographs

Team Awesome

A bunny

A British seaside pier

A type of falcon known as a Hobby


Derek's Photographs

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