Monday 27 May 2019

Portwrinkle to Cremyll

Date: 27th May 2019
Distance:  13.14 miles
Time: 5:03'27.7
Ascent: 1732 feet

Total SWCP so far: 428.79 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

A lovely day, just right for walking our favourite path. It being a public holiday, there were more people around than we're accustomed to, especially as we approached Cremyll in Plymouth at the end. But we don't mind sharing the SWCP with other people. Not too much anyway. That said... come the revolution......

Highlights included a Victorian fort, some cool wooden chalets which I think we'd all like to own (one each, of course), a naval vessel which seemed to be stalking us and a couple of little foals, frolicking in the sun. Lovely!

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Last but one day of our holiday, We have another day of just perfect weather keeping to the official SWCP we are directed through a military firing range the flags are down so all is good! Its a lovely route with well kept ranges & pristine looking fort.

Nearing the end we walk through a shady wood past a folly down into Cremyll & the last few steps in Cornwall, Tomorrow we wil be in south Devon!

Martin and Marina's Photographs

Derek's Photographs

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