Saturday 25 May 2019

Polperro to Portwrinkle

Date: 25th May 2019
Distance:  13.33 miles
Time: 5:18'49.2
Ascent: 2411 feet

Total SWCP so far: 415.65 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

A sunny and fairly hot day, necessitating much more liquid intake than usual! Luckily we found a great cafe en route at Seaton Beach. The mackerel pate is highly recommended.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

The bluebells have gone but have been replaced by pink & white floral displays along the path.

Some nice shady parts in the woods but quite a lot of road, going down into Looe we spotted a seal poking its head up out of the water.

We met some visitors from Texas (Not Texas DIY) for you oldies but Texas America.

Martin and Marina's Photographs

The nice house we stayed in

Raising awareness and money for the Dystonia Society

Weird white spider in the Foxglove!

In Looe




Derek's Photographs

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