Tuesday 28 May 2019

Admirals Hard, Plymouth to Jennycliff Beach

Date: 28th May 2019
Distance:  9.63 miles
Time: 3:26'31.2
Ascent: 617 feet

Total SWCP so far: 438.42 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

Today's walk was not like all those other days we'd walked the South West Coastal Path! Today was largely an urban walk, pavement pounding our way across our first city of the SWCP, Plymouth.

There were sections, which it has to be said... with all due respect to the inhabitants of Plymouth....were not pretty. The path takes you from the city centre and through some fairly industrialised parts of the city. But eventually, you do emerge into parts both greener and bluer and it feels like you're on the SWCP once again.

A word of warning to fellow walkers. There are lots of signs, of various styles, including acorn emblems on lamp posts. But we did find that despite the quantity of SWCP signs, we were confused more often than usual! The lack of a coastline, with that reassuring thing... the sea... to the right (and sometimes to the left if we're walking a section in reverse) was probably what did it. But some of those signs are just plain and simple.....confusing! Oh and the book we use seems pretty old and we suspect the city has changed and the path perhaps rerouted here and there. I know. Excuses!

Google Maps helped though and is recommended for this section!

And guess what? We've now walked the entire coastline of Cornwall and are officially back in Devon again! We're looking forward to enjoying all that the south coast of Devon has to offer. The north coast was lovely.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Today will be a town, pavement trudging to finish off our trip. We decided to do this section before driving home so we can start out in the countryside on our next trip, its all got to be done no cheating here!

We seem to walk round in circles some well signed parts & some not so well a variety of different signs have been used. From very nice admiralty buildings to ordinary residential areas to  very industrial areas we passed them all.

Finishing on a high yes, I mean at the top of a hill we are at the carpark & ready to depart Devon until next time.

The SWCP blog will continue..........

Martin and Marina's Photographs

Derek's Photographs

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