Saturday 15 April 2017

Porlock Wier to Lynton

Date: 15th April 2017
Distance: 13.2 miles
Time: 6:29'00.6
Ascent: 3235 feet

Total SWCP so far: 23.1 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

Today's stage provided yet more glorious sea views from hillsides replete with yellow gorse in full bloom. It also included some sections of woodland and while we were walking through them, Lesley had us all on High Tick Alert just in case. Thankfully we didn't encounter any evil, blood sucking ticks. We did, however see a pheasant and, later on when we'd left the woodland section, a rather nice bunny rabbit.

The most exciting wildlife seen that day though, was a seal, which Martin spotted with his generally suspect, but on this occasion, eagle-like vision. Derek, however was convinced, perhaps to this very day, that Martin's seal was in fact a rock, but Martin was adamant it was a seal, what with it being seal shaped and moving around in a most unrock-like manner. Marina and Lesley bought into Martin's seal sighting and Lesley started a new SWCP tradition by awarding Martin the Seal Spotter's Badge. Competition for all manner of completely made up badges ensued from that point on but the Seal Spotter remains the original and perhaps the best of all SWCP badges!

Special mention also has to go to Culbone Church, with its lovely little cemetery, which we encountered quite near to the beginning on this stage. According to the guidebook, Culbone Church is the smallest complete parish church in England, measuring only 35 feet long by 12 feet 4 inches wide. That's one teeny, tiny church!

We were staying in a B&B in Lynton for this trip and ended up eating in the highly recommended, family run Laceys Tea Rooms on more than one occasion. Our Laceys experience was, however, marred by a rather shocking and it has to be said *criminal* act involving Lesley and a plate of chips on another table. Nuff said. What goes on (SWCP) tour, stays on (SWCP) tour.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Porlock Wier to Lynton, again the weather was kind to us after the 9.9 mile warm up from the previous day we had 13.2 miles to walk still with glorious scenery but also some woodland walking with some steep ups & slippery downs walking like mother & baby elephant I pushed Lesley up some of the hills (See Martin's photo) past some beautiful water falls finally ending up in Laceys tea rooms in Lynton (Highly recommended)


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