Sunday 16 April 2017

Combe Martin to Lynton

Date: 16th April 2017
Distance: 14.6 miles
Time: 6:48'42.3
Ascent: 3602 feet

Total SWCP so far: 37.7 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

We were staying in Lynton and so to make the logistics easier, we decided to walk from Coombe Martin back to Lynton, West to East, rather than continue East to West. If we'd continued in that direct we'd have had to drive two cars to Coombe Martin, leave one there and drive back to Lynton before beginning our walk, driving the other car back at the end. This way we were able to leave one car at our B&B in Lynton, drive the other to Coombe Martin and begin walking immediately.

The quality of scenery remained high once again. Other memorable highlights included the Pack O'Cards pub, largely because the owner must have been on drugs if the architect had managed to convince him it looked like a pack of cards and the walk up the steep, zig- zagging path up from Lynton town centre to the top of the cliffs where our B&B was. A taxing end to the walk but with some great views of the town and the pebbly beach.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

We walked this bit backwards as it made for easier transport logistics walking from Combe Martin back to Lynton which is not all bad as we end up in the café again!!

Martin was ecstatic at the pack o’cards pub & how it just perfectly was designed & built to look like a pack of cards, he still talks about it when we are out walking (I think it is etched on to his memory for good).

The views again ..... & the weather made for great walking days upping the mileage to 14.6 feet & legs flagging as it was day 3 & we are not athletes.

Another bank holiday weekend sees us heading back to the west country to continue our mission.


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