Saturday 30 December 2017

Bude to Crackington Haven

Date: 30th December 2017
Distance:  10.21 miles
Time: 5:36'18.4
Ascent: 4026 feet

Total SWCP so far: 138.11 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

This was day 1 of three days of walking at the end of 2017 and into the start of 2018, a perfect way to escape the usual, tedious new year stuff! It was also our first time on the SWCP in winter and oh my what a stark difference from the walking we did in the spring and summer. It was cold. It was occasionally wet. And it was very, very windy.

It was also very grey. Rarely was the sky seen through the grey clouds but rarely was the colour grey and all its shades so beautiful too, the sea, the sky and the rocks exhibiting every shade, sometimes almost inky black, other times a bluey grey or a grey tinged with green. The SWCP is beautiful whatever the season and whatever the weather, it seems.

This is Britain and so you're never too far from civilisation. The sea knows of no such things however and was as wild as wild can be, with furious white breakers crashing into cliffs and white foam covering the sea far from the shore. This was a time and a sight when the word "awesome" got to be used and it not sound exaggerated.

The sea and it's phenomenal, awe-inspiring white horses brought a classic TV advertisement and one of my favourite pieces of electronic music to mind, so I had that in my head much of the day!

If you're now desperate to hear the music in full or don't know what it is by the way, It's Phat Planet by Leftfield.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Up early in the morning to get to the start of our route at Bude just as daylight is dawning we arrive at the carpark aiming  to walk 10 miles to crackington cove which we can safely accomplish in daylight. We opt to put our water proof trousers on at the start which is a good option as the mud is very gloopy & before long it is traveling up our leggings!

Oh yes I know what you are all thinking did the new-year swim in Bude sea pool happen? Well you will have to read on to find out!

The strong winds were blowing in off the sea with spectacular waves crashing in to the cliffs, rivers of water flooding down the cliffs forming water falls which were being turned upon themselves by the wind blowing spray up into the air Spectacular!! Finishing in Crackington cove we are in good spirits & have a choice of cafe’s filling our empty stomachs with fresh crab sandwiches.


Taken with compact camera rather than SLR, it being waterproof!

Derek's Photos



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