Saturday 30 October 2021

Lulworth Cove to Renscombe

Date: 30th October 2021
Distance:  13.49 miles
Time: 5:32:16
Ascent: 3,435 feet
Total SWCP so far: 651.92 miles





Martin and Marina's Bit

We got up at 4:30 a.m. (no, that's not a typo) and headed off in convoy with Derek and Lesley towards the Dorset coast. This was to be a very significant weekend, the one where after all this time and all those miles, we finish the South West Coastal Path!

After a Covid-enforced break from walking our favourite trail of about 18 months, we'd resumed in July and made three trips in total over the summer. Generally the weather had been very good and to date this had been a year of summer walking. In previous years we've been out in all seasons and all weathers which has been tremendous. We do like it a little bit wild! But this year has instead been warm and sunny most of the time.

But not this trip! The rain was beyond torrential driving down and the wind was blowing hard. Waterproofs were at the ready.

Strangely though, pretty much the second we stepped out of the car, the rain stopped and the black sky was replaced by a blue sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds. The light was amazing. It was lovely! The wind was still blowing and the sea was flecked with white. Water surged through holes in the rocks and crashed onto cliffs. The wildness was beautifully balanced by the blue sky and autumn sunshine though and we probably couldn't have wished for better walking conditions.

The walking was tremendous. Great views and that wild wind. For a while we were not alone though. There was a fell-running competition with some of the runners tackling a grueling 33 miles of coastline. We did 14 miles in the end, with 3,500 feet of often very steep ascent, so I dread to think what 33 miles is like... and much of it spent running. Respect is due.

It was great to be back yet again and fantastic that we'd experience the wilder side of the coast once more in this our final weekend of walking the SWCP.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

It’s 4.30am the wind is howling & the rain lashing against the windows, (The forecast for the weekend is pretty grim) we have agreed to start our journey to finish the final 2 sections of the swcp at 5am we are packed & ready to leave as Martin pull up outside our house dead on 5am, with the wipers going full tilt we drive to our starting point of west Lulworth. The weather being so bad it was a slow journey. 

When we arrive the weather has changed windy but at least no rain, We don our waterproofs & set off on the penultimate section which is spectacular with raging seas crashing waves & salty sea spray in the air.

As the day goes it is perfect walking weather & it’s not too long before we are too hot removing layers of coats, The sun is out & we soak up the scenery as we go through the military firing range.

It’s a hard day with many steep inclines up & down up & down finally arriving in Renscombe our destination for the day.

Martin and Marina's Photographs


Derek and Lesley's Photographs

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