Saturday 24 August 2019

Hope to Mothecombe

Date: 24th August 2019
Distance:  9.92 miles
Time: 4:10:01
Ascent: 1847 feet

Total SWCP so far: 463.89 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

A lovely day. A highlight was arriving at a ferry crossing, a couple of minutes after the advertised last crossing (11:00), ending up chatting with the ferryman's lovely wife and eventually, being taken across by her husband anyway, despite the fact they had plans which were dependent on the tide. What nice people!

We were troubled to hear of their concerns about the village though. Apparently, the whole village had been purchased by a millionaire, who was intending to make drastic changes and shut services down. What a *&!!. It's this guy:

Derek and Lesley's Bit

Martin and Marina's Photographs

Derek's Photographs

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