Saturday 20 April 2019

Bohortha to Portloe

Date: 20th April 2019
Distance:  13.45 miles
Time: 6:29'19.8
Ascent: 2060 feet

Total SWCP so far:




Martin and Marina's Bit

It was nice. But there was a helicopter parked on the path! Darned rich people! It's bad enough people parking on the double yellow lines outside my house!

Derek and Lesley's Bit

After an early start where we catch the sun rising we start our day of walking from the other side of the river estuary passing some more beautiful coves & having to walk across the sand in others we continue heading east along the by now very familiar SWCP.

On the clifftop we pass a ships mast & Martin heads for the top see the images.

Even the cows are adding to the paths beauty some lovely rust brown coloured ones against the green of the grass are a photographers dream.

Then we pass a helicopter parked on the footpath, Do you park a helicopter?


Derek's Photographs

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