Thursday 29 March 2018

Port Isaac to Rock

Date: 29th March 2018
Distance:  12.2 miles
Time: 5:51'05.9
Ascent: 2441 feet

Total SWCP so far: 171.76 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

Yes, it rained a bit. Yes, there were some nice views. Yes, it was a bit muddy. You've heard it all before. So what about a few haiku poems instead?

SWCP Haiku #1
A brown and white cow
Wooden gate on the cliff tops
Doorway to the sea

SWCP Haiku #2
Martin in yellow
Dark rain clouds were over a
Blue and turquoise sea

SWCP Haiku #3
Muddy boots warm hats
Fluffy white clouds and white foam
Around small islands

Derek and Lesley's Bit

As Martin has said you have read it all before same old format up early to drive to Cornwall arrived in rain so the start of the walk was wet not the best way to start off but hey Ho the walk must be done come rain or shine & as most of the walk has been in sun we cannot complain. We passed a little folly called Doyden castle built by Samuel Symmons for his friends to have a good time drinking & gambling! Then into a lovely little harbour of portquin. Rounding off the day with tea, cake & chips.


Taken with compact camera rather than SLR, it being waterproof!

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