Saturday 26 August 2017

Westward Ho! to Clovelly

Date: 26th August 2017
Distance:  13.4 miles
Time: 7:02'56.3
Ascent: 3068 feet

Total SWCP so far: 101.6 miles




Martin and Marina's Bit

This marked the first stage in our third SWCP weekend trip. Westward Ho! was a different place this time, full of holiday makers, enjoying the enormous beach and fantastic August bank holiday weather.

That glorious sunshine and the complete lack of wind, made for a mill pond like sea and even better than usual views. But it was also really hot and made for at least one very sweaty person called Martin. No comments on the respective sweatiness of other members of the party shall be made.

We ended in Clovelly and walked down the steep cobbled street into the lovely old village and had a late lunch including fresh crab sandwiches.

We stayed in a B&B in Clovelly this time. After we'd returned to our room to freshen up, Martin and Marina drove back down to the sea with the drone which Martin had brought with him. Martin flew the drone out to sea, over a fishing boat and then turned it round and over and along the cobbled street in Clovelly that we'd walked  down earlier, videoing all the time.

Derek and Lesley's Bit

August bank holiday Westwood ho! To Clovelly 13.4 miles.

Having driven straight to the B&B (conveniently just off the route) we left one car there & drove to Westwood Ho! where Joe was with his mini for the north Devon mini run in aid of the children’s hospice having met briefly he went nosily off & we started our walk warmer today with holiday makers making the most of the weather.

We arrived at Clovelly somewhat lighter although we did drink a lot of water which seemed to be leaking from every where on our bodies!

I think this was the hardest part walking on cobbled streets makes for sore feet but I fear the sweat may have contributed.

A nice tea shop was selected so cream tea it was for at least one of the party. I think a crab sandwich was also consumed.

A stroll back up the steep cobbled hill finally arriving back at the B&B.

We ate out that night, yes see we can be civilised! Really good food then all set for the next day.


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